We celebrated my mother's anniversary of her birthday in heaven last March 26.
Five years ago (2005) on Palm Sunday, she was put in the ICU due to an auto-immune disease. On Good Friday at exactly 3pm just when Our Lord had died on the cross, her heart rate and bp suddenly dropped which left her in a coma state. At 12 noon of Black Saturday, God called her and she eventually went up to Heaven. That was the saddest day of my life.
Has it been 5 years already, Nanay?
Up to now, I still have a tendency to forget that you are no longer there waiting for me at home. Sometimes, when I have a "motherly question" I find myself thinking "later, I will ask Nanay", not realizing that you are no longer there to answer (in person) my questions.
Hay, life has been tough without you. The light and joy that you bring to our home is none of the ordinary. You are our guide and our model of love and patience and I find myself so far in virtues compared to you.
But I don't want to be selfish any longer. You are now God's and with all your good and saintly traits, it is but apt that you should be enjoying the love and warmth of God.
Leaving you a picture of my mom (with my dad) on their younger...and older years.

Please continue to guide us from Heaven, Nanay.
I love you very much!
♥ Your Bunso